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Bedding & Odor Control

EUP Wood Shavings

Premium-flake organic wood shavings that are made with a mixture of spruce and balsam.  Great for animals with respiratory issues or skin sensitivity. It does not contain any harsh chemicals or chemical smells which can aggravate sensitive lungs. Dust is minimized by sending the shavings through a double-screened shaker.  Bags contain 2.5 Cu. Ft. compressed and expand to at least 6.0 Cu. Ft.

Quantity discounts available.


Old Dominion Hemp Bedding

Hemp Bedding is a 5 cu. ft. bale comprised of the chopped stalks of the industrial field crop. Hemp is perfect for those sensitive to allergens and dust found in alternative animal bedding. To optimize absorptive qualities, hemp should be misted with water prior to use. For chicken coops, one bale of hemp will cover an 8’ x 8’ area. For horses, three bales will cover a 12’ x 12’ area. Hemp is very compostable and is great for adding to gardens to overwinter and add more natural nutrition to your soil.

Hemp undergoes a natural oxidation process during the drying period that can result in darkening of the finished product. The coloration can range from tan to dark brown.

Smith Creek Stall Pellets

Softwood bedding pellets are an excellent alternative for those owners, trainers and boarding facilities in need of bedding that is quick and easy to pick and maintain.


  • Excellent for equines (horses, donkeys, etc.)

  • Pressed wood pellets

  • Kiln-dried for low moisture content

  • Highly absorbent and Long-lasting

  • Walnut-free and Cherry-free


First Saturday Lime

Eco-friendly insect repellent that’s safe for children, pets, animals, and organic farming when used as directed. A 20-pound bag will surround an average 2,000 sq ft home.

Bedding Buddy 25#

New Country Organics proudly presents a loving companion for your favorite poultry or livestock bedding material: Bedding Buddy! Made from carefully selected, OMRI Listed ingredients, Bedding Buddy absorbs moisture and neutralizes harmful odors in all animal living areas.

Have you ever walked into a barn and been shocked by the odor of animal wastes? That’s the ammonia talking. Ammonia is a byproduct of urea and/or certain manure proteins being broken down by bacteria. It is harmful to your animals’ respiratory tracts, and if we’re being honest, it just stinks! If you can smell it, the ammonia concentration in the air is already high enough to do harm. More importantly, ammonia concentrations are even higher at the ground level, so your animals’ lungs are more impacted by the gases when they are eating from the barn floor or lying down to rest. [learn more]

The release of ammonia gases can be the first thing you smell in an animal living area, but it can also be a silent attacker if your bedding or current deodorizer simply masks the odor itself. That’s why having a powerful neutralizer is important.


Sweet PDZ 40lb - Powder

Classic powder PDZ, introduced in 1983, has a small granule size that is easy to spread on problem areas, and absorbs ammonia quickly and comprehensively. Sweet PDZ Horse Stall Refresher Powder is ideal for discrete or more challenging problem areas in the stall.

Sweet PDZ 40lb - Granular

Gritty, larger, and dust-free, granules provide hassle-free application in stall environments and easy clean-up for litter boxes and small habitats. This is the product of choice for use in litter boxes and small animal habitats, Sweet PDZ Horse Stall Refresher Granular is also ideal for use in larger areas for easy clean-out.

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